Why pet euthanasia at home may be the best choice for your furry friend and your family
Pets enrich our lives and become our best friends. They are there for us on our good days and bad and can make excellent snuggle companions while watching your favourite TV show. The bond between a human and their pet is one of love and care. While we like to think it’s us that take care of them, sometimes they take care of us! It’s a relationship that defines our lives and they become part of the family.
When our furry friend becomes unwell we, of course, seek treatment right away and some times long term conditions can result. A trusted vet is a great resource in these times to ensure that your family member is in tip-top shape and is living their best life! Occasionally a veterinarian may have to give the bad news that no other medical treatment is available for your furry friend.
Pet euthanasia is something that no one likes to think about but if your four-legged best friend is suffering and it is determined that is best for the quality of life of your pet to think about possible euthanasia options.
What are ways that you can know that your pet still has a quality of life? A happy and healthy pet of course has a shiny coat, wants to exercise and loves its food and water. They will also be interested in their surroundings and if visitors are in your home, wanting to make new friends. They will also be reliable with their toilet needs and go outside or whatever set up you have trained them to do. When your furry friend’s health is declining or they are unwell, they will be uninterested in food, want to simply rest and sleep. As your pet ages, they may start to have bladder accidents as they may feel too week to hold on to go outside. This can be embarrassing for your pet and make them upset as they will be aware from training that going outside is best. They will also become less mobile over time and may not be able to climb stairs or walk from room to room. This can be distressing for your pet and its human family. It’s one of the cruel facts of life that dogs have a shorter lifespan than humans. When we are asked to consider our options for euthanasia it’s helpful to learn what exactly it is and what it means for your pet.
What is euthanasia?
The name euthanasia is Latin that literally translates to ‘peaceful death’. It is usually recommended when there are no further rehabilitative methods for your pet and they are deeply unwell. It is considered an act of mercy to a pet who has lost their quality of life and are in pain. Quite often euthanasia is performed when your pet has been diagnosed as terminal and will pass away in a short time frame. This can mean your pet can pass away when you arent home or during the night without its loving human family surrounding them. Pet euthanasia is a way of ensuring that all your family members are surrounding their furry friend and can say goodbye. It can be heartwrenching to make this decision but it is made out of a desire to end their pets suffering.
Why is at-home pet euthanasia is a great idea for my furry friend?
There are many compassionate reasons for saying goodbye to a pet in their own home but there are also some practical reasons to do so:
-your pet may already have anxiety about going to the vet and has a history of refusing to go. This may mean you have in the past needed to medicate your pet to get them to the vet.
-your pet is in a lot of pain and moving them would only cause them more agony. Most pet owners would be wanting to minimise the pain as much as possible.
-your furry friend is a very large animal and transporting them is impossible
-not having appropriate transport methods ie. a car or another private vehicle available. People with mobility issues themselves may not be able to make it to the vet.
Other compassionate reasons are :
-your pet is in its home surrounded by the people that they love with their favourite toys and blanket
-your furry friend will not be any further distressed by moving and they may not even realise what is happening so they are peaceful and calm
-the entire family gets to say goodbye and give them lots of cuddles and snuggles
The process
Look for “vets near me” and a trusted veterinarian will come to your home and talk you through the procedure and what to expect. They will then get permission to perform the procedure and ask if you are ready (even though no one is ready to say goodbye to their best friend). The process is quick and painless for your furry friend and they are at peace.
There are many ways to honour your pets life and your vet can talk you through some resources or services to help you remember your furry friend and their impact on your life.